Here is a collection of multi-page print layout pieces that I have produced including newsletters, workbooks, and booklets:
“Getting Back in the Saddle” was a training that I developed to help adults who haven’t ridden bikes since childhood get back into cycling. The class covered choosing the right bike, getting a good bike fit, what to wear, what else to purchase, and other topics. The workbook was a 28-panel booklet designed to be printed either in color or black-and-white.
The text from this workbook came from the work of the Bikery’s programming committee. I produced this new layout for the workbook, and I took new pictures to aid instruction, including those seen in the “How to Fix a Flat” instructions. “Basic Bicycle Maintenance” is a 28-panel booklet designed to be printed either in color or black-and-white. |
“Fertility Awareness” is a new edition of a booklet published two times previously by the Women’s Health Project. The new edition has more illustrations, examples and information for women looking to use this method to aid conception. I coordinated the committee working on this book, contributed and edited content and created the new illustrations. “Fertility Awareness” is an 88-panel booklet that was printed in black-and-white with a full-color cover. |
More samples and full versions are available upon request.
Please contact me for more information.