Elaina Buzzell

Tag: strategy

Technology and Politics

Flickr image by user DonkeyHotey

Yesterday, Mashable wrote on two studies predicting political inclinations by technology use. The first was on a study showing that smartphone users were significantly more likely to support Obama than Romney. The later post had a graph showing how web users favorite pages could predict their presidential choice. I highly encourage you to take a look at that graph, but my most surprising take-away was that Pinterest users were on the Romney side of the graph. Read the rest of this entry »

Guest Post On Project Management Today at Idealware

Flickr image by user joelogon



Many nonprofit technology projects have gone south near the finish line due to a departure of a key staff member. Today, I have a guest post up on Idealware‘s blog sharing good planning tips to make sure that your tech project can withstand a staff change. Bonus, if you’re a Marvel Comics fan, this post takes inspiration from the Captain America story.

Check out the full post here: A Project Management Lesson from Captain America

The Right Tool for the Job

Flickr image from user Leo-setä

I love multi-tools. I love when form meets function and when items have many uses – for instance, I love my 20-function pocket bike tool as it allows me to handle most minor repairs on the road.

That said, I also recognize a limit to multi-function usefulness, and sometimes it’s best to find the best tool rather than one that does everything. To this end, when I’m working on my bike at home, I rarely reach for that beloved multi-tool, because the full-sized tools will allow me to finish the repair much more quickly and efficiently. Read the rest of this entry »