Elaina Buzzell

Zen & the Art of Spreadsheet Maintenance

For all the troubles I had in math classes as a child, I never would have imagined how much time I happily spend working on spreadsheets and numbers as an adult. Much of the change is due to how I don’t see these sheets as lists of numbers, but as stories about how people behave online. Read the rest of this entry »

What Do You Celebrate Online?

Flickr image from user Furryscaly

This week, I experienced two things that many online tend to celebrate. The first is that I crossed the 1,000 follower mark on Twitter and the second is that I achieved the goal of my personal communications plan. If you have been reading my blog for long, you may have a guess as to which one I celebrated more. Read the rest of this entry »

Technology and Politics

Flickr image by user DonkeyHotey

Yesterday, Mashable wrote on two studies predicting political inclinations by technology use. The first was on a study showing that smartphone users were significantly more likely to support Obama than Romney. The later post had a graph showing how web users favorite pages could predict their presidential choice. I highly encourage you to take a look at that graph, but my most surprising take-away was that Pinterest users were on the Romney side of the graph. Read the rest of this entry »